Sunday, May 22, 2011

Single Payer Healthcare

In the state of California, may politicians support a "single payer" healthcare system run by the state government. However, no one seems to want to address how the state will pay for this type of system. At the federal level, Medicare is on the verge of bankruptcy with the baby boomer generation primed to enter the Medicare marketplace. Social Security is headed down a path to oblivion, and the Postal Service is bleeding money left and right. We have over a trillion dollar deficit, and yet government officials talk about implementing a single payer healthcare system run by the very same government that cannot turn a profit in most of its endeavors. If one puts the state of California under the microscope, its finances are in even more dire straits than those of the feds. It is very discouraging to this blogger, that no one seems to be attacking the two most important issues, controlling spiralling healthcare costs and out of control health insurance premiums.


californiahealthinsuranceblog said...

Thanks for the helpful information. It was nice reading your blog.

Unknown said...

Great little article here. I have been working towards getting my real estate license and hope to be out in the field soon. Most of my family members are licensed agents.